Semiconductor Process and Device Simulator
MicroTec is a widely recognized educational tool and is now used by more than 75 universities in 25 countries including University of California at Berkeley and Waseda University in Tokyo. The software is a perfect supplement to any book or a course on semiconductor devices or processes which enables students to create their own devices and test them under varying real world parameters. The program has been used as a supplement to the book Semiconductors Devices Explained by Ton Mouthaan recently published by John Wiley & Sons.
Despite apparent simplicity MicroTec is used in more than 17 companies worldwide including Hitachi, NTT, General Electric, Cree Research and Rockwell Semiconductors. MicroTec is especially good for computationally extensive simulations such as power semiconductor devices with large dimensions. MicroTec is particularly useful for devices build with SiC and other wide bandgap materials.
The program is easy-to-use, user-friendly, robust, and requires only 1 Meg RAM. The new version of MicroTec officially planned to be released in February 2000 has a number of new features like non-planar device modeling capability, graphical device structure editor, etc.
You may download the current version of MicroTec from our downloads page. Free trial installations are available.
MicroTec includes three main software tools:
- SiDif for 2D simulation of implantation, diffusion and oxidation
- SemSim for steady-state 2D simulation
- SibGraf for 3D and 2D graphics
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