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Numerical Methods
- M.S.Obrecht, "A new stable method for linearization of discretized
basic semiconductor equations", Solid State Electronics, v.36, pp.643-648,
- M.S.
Obrecht, M.I. Elmasry, E.L. Heasell, "TRASIM - compact and efficient
two-dimensional transient simulator for arbitrary planar semiconductor
devices", IEEE Trans. CAD, vol. 14, pp. 447-458, April 1995 .
- M.S.
Obrecht, K.-C. Wu, R.W. Dutton, E.L. Heasell and M.I. Elmasry, "Further
improvements in decoupled methods for semiconductor device modeling",
Proceedings of NUPAD V Conference, pp. 129-132, June 1994, Honolulu,
Hawaii .
- M.S.Obrecht,
E.L Heasell and M.I.Elmasry "Comparison of coupled and decoupled methods
for semiconductor device modeling", COMPEL, vol. 13, pp. 785-794,
Dec. 1994 .
- A.L.Alexandrov,
M.S.Obrecht, G.V.Gadiyak, "Efficient finite-difference method for
numerical modeling of thermal redistribution of interacting impurities
under oxidizing ambient", Solid State Electronics, v.35, p.1549-1552,
1992 .
- G.V.Gadiyak,
M.S.Obrecht, "The use of factorization methods for solving the charge
transfer equations in semiconductor devices", Proceedings of the II
International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Semiconductor Devices
and Processes, Pineridge Press, Swansea, U.K., 1986 .
- M.S.Obrecht,
M.I.Elmasry, "Speeding-up of convergence of Gummel iterations for
transient simulation", Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference
on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated
Circuits, Copper Mountains, CO, April 6-8, 1993, Front Range Press,
pp.20-21 .
- M.S.Obrecht,
M.I.Elmasry, "Speeding-up of convergence of Gummel iterations for
transient simulation", COMPEL, vol. 12, N6, pp. 311-317, December
1993 .
- M.S.Obrecht,
E.L Heasell and M.I.Elmasry "Comparison of coupled and decoupled methods
for semiconductor device modeling", Proceedings of NASECODE X International
Conference, pp. 56- 57, Boole Press, Dublin, June 1994 .
- M.S.Obrecht,
E.L Heasell and M.I.Elmasry "New decoupled methods for semiconductor
device modeling", Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on
Simulation of Devices and Technologies, pp. 32-34, Obninsk, Russia,
July 1994.
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- Yi Lin,
Lan Wang, Michael S. Obrecht and Taj Manku "Quasi-3D Device Simulation
for MicroWave Noise Characterization of MOS Devices", IEDM 1998 Technical
Digest, pp. 77-80.
- M.S.Obrecht
and E.L Heasell "A numerical analysis of transient charge partitioning",
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol.43, pp. 424-430, March 1996.
- M.S.Elrabaa,
M.S.Obrecht, M.I.Elmasry, "A novel low-voltage low-power full-swing
BiCMOS circuits", IEEE Journal of Solid State circuits, vol. 29, N
2, 1994 [4].
- M.S.Obrecht,
E.L Heasell, J. Vlach and M.I.Elmasry "Transient Phenomena in High
Speed Bipolar Devices", VLSI Design, vol. 8, Nos. 1-4, pp. 475-480.
- G.V.Gadiyak,
M.S.Obrecht, S.P.Sinitsa, "Numerical simulation of bipolar injection
and recombination in MNOS structure", COMPEL, v.5, N 4, p.227-234,
- G.V.Gadiyak,
M.S.Obrecht, S.P.Sinitsa, "Numerical simulation of MNOS structures",
Soviet microelectronics, v.11, N 3, p.26-31, 1985.
- G.V.Gadiyak,
M.S.Obrecht, N.L.Shwarts, S.P.Sinitsa, "Modeling of MOSFETs by finite
difference methods", Proceedings of NASECODE-IV conference, Boole
Press, Dublin, 1985.
- O.V.Bobrikova,
M.S.Obrecht, V.F.Stas', "Charge states of primary radiation defects
and the defect formation processes in the space charge region of the
silicon diode structures", Soviet Physics: Semiconductors, v.25, N
5, pp.501-507 (Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov (Leningrad) v.25,
N 5, pp.828-838,1991).
- M.S.Obrecht,
E.L Heasell and M.I.Elmasry "Transient MOSFET Capacitance Model Revisited",
International Conference on Microelectronics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
December 1995.
- M.S.Obrecht,
E.L Heasell and M.I.Elmasry "Transient Analysis of a CML BJT under
High and Low Level Injection", International Seminar on Simulation
of Devices and Technologies, Pretoria, South Africa, November 1995.
- M.S.Obrecht,
E.L Heasell, J. Vlach and M.I.Elmasry "Transient Phenomena in High
Speed Bipolar Devices", International Workshop on Computational Electronics,
University of Notre Dame, IN, May 1997 .
- M.S.Obrecht,
"SIMOS - two-dimensional steady-state simulator for MOS-devices,"
Solid-State Electronics, Software Survey Section, vol. 32, No. 6,
p.II, 1989.
- M.S.Obrecht,
J.M.G.Teven, "BISIM - a program for two-dimensional steady-state modeling
of bipolar devices," Solid-State Electronics, Software Survey Section,
v.34, No 7, 1991.
- M.S.Obrecht,
A.L.Alexandrov, "SIDIF - a program for two-dimensional modeling of
diffusion and oxidation". Solid- State Electronics, Software Survey
Section, v.34, No 8, 1991.
- G.V.Gadiyak,
M.S.Obrecht, N.L.Shvarts, S.P.Sinitsa, "MOS2 - a program for steady-state
two-dimensional modeling of MOSFETs Optoelectronics, Instrumentation
and data processing", (Avtometriya), N 1, 1987 (Allerton Press, USA).
- A.L.Alexandrov,
P.A.Androsenko, V.M.Bedanov, A.M.Bekesheva, E.E.Dagman, O.E.Dmitrieva,
G.V.Gadiyak, V.P.Ginkin, M.S.Ivanov, Zh.I.Korobitsina, T.M.Lukhanova,
M.S.Obrecht, A.A.Shimansky, V.A.Schveigert, E.G.Tishkovsky, Yu.P.Zhidkov,
"MOPIT: Open system for device and technology simulation", COMPEL,
v.11, pp.445-455, 1992.